





You are now connected to Amazon from Amazon.com.

Me:    I'm trying to watch an Amazon Prime Instant Video, but it just keeps "Loading… " I did get an error message, when this chat window opened up that said "We are experiencing technical difficulties… " Do you know how long this delay will last?

Amazon:    Hello , my name is Atir. I’m really sorry about this.

Amazon:    Unfortunately, I'm unsure as to how long it'll take to resolve this. We're aware of the issue and our technical team is working on this with highest priority.

Amazon:    Rest assured, we're trying to resolve this at the earliest.

Amazon:    I'll follow up with our team and will get back to you via email once I have an update from them.

Me:    Ok. Thanks. It doesn't matter that much to me. I'm on a 30-day trial. Although, it may influence my decision at the end of April, when the gravy boat has sailed away far off into a biscuit sunset.

Amazon:    Thank you for your patience and understanding. I'll be in touch soon.

Me:    Aloha

Amazon:    Goodnight Mike

Me:    Same to you.

Amazon:    Please click the end chat link to close this window.

Me:    Hold on, I'm trying to figure out how to save this entire conversation. Can you email it to me?

Amazon:    Yes, I'll send this transcript in the email.

Me:    Thank you, sir.

Amazon:    You're welcome. Please click the end chat link to close this window.

Me:    To tell you the truth, my mouse is broken. I'm having a hell of a time trying to tab over to that link. Damn Windows Vista!

Amazon:   That is unfortunate. Windows 8 is where it's at!

Me:   Yeah, well, money doesn't grow on trees, mon capitaine. So I gotta use Vista.

Amazon:   I think you and my grandmother are the only two people left on God's Green Earth that use Windows Vista!

Me:   E-Z Eeeasy. No need for that attitude. We all have to play the hand we are dealt. In this case, Bill Gates fell asleep at the wheel and dished out this sorry operating system. And now I'm stuck in a chat window talking to some dude in India.

Amazon:    I'm from Pakistan, beeatch!

Me:   Ah yes. Pakistan. Just finished watching Zero Dark Thirty. That's where SEAL Team 6 dug up that terrorist toolbag Osama.

Amazon:   Yeah, that guy really hurt us.

Me:   OH man. I'm so bored! What the hell am I gonna do without my Amazon Instant Video?

Amazon:   You ever try reading a book?

Me:   Yeah. Fight Club's pretty good. Reads at a real fast pace.

Amazon:   The first rule of Amazon: You don't talk about Instant Video; the second rule of Amazon: you don't talk about Instant Video.

Me:   What the hell have we been chatting about for the past half hour then?

Amazon:   Good point! In that case, I'll close the chat from my end. Goodnight.

Amazon from Amazon.com has left the conversation.

Copyright mikedelrosso.com 2013